Those are our stats since Cleve beta launched 2 weeks ago:
→ 172 users
→ 630 notes saved
→ 1538 posts generated
But those numbers aren’t what’s really wowed us.
It’s seeing people use Cleve’s “Ask Me” feature in ways we never even thought of.
→ personal journaling with guided reflective questions
→ prepping for university personal statements
→ prepping for job interviews
→ breaking down complex thoughts and exploring half-baked ideas
→ role-playing sales conversations
It’s struck me how each person has their own story to tell.
That we’re all living lives full of vibrant perspectives, experiences, and dreams.
We’re all truly, remarkably, different.
And here’s Cleve, somehow becoming a part of that, helping you talk about what makes you, well — you.
It’s super cool to learn all the quirky, out-of-the-box ways you’re sneaking Cleve into your daily lives.
So once again, thanks for choosing to be part of this journey.
And to think, this is just the beginning.
Stay cool. Stay you.
P.S. How have you been using Cleve? I’d love to know.