Hope @everyone's been doing good & Selamat Hari Raya (Eid-al-Fitr for the global peeps)! We're now at Day 100 of building. Thought of sharing a bit about our process and journey.
Running User Interviews has been super helpful for UX & product feedback
We started conducting a lot of user interviews in March. The approach consisted of us reaching out to people for a 30 min - 45 min call to let them try using Cleve, and observing their behavior while using it, and listening to their feedback.
This was super helpful for usability and finding ways to improve the UX to build towards a model that was self-serving and was intuitive enough for users to figure out in a relatively short amount of time.
One example of a change we made was changing the "Ask me" button from just a chat icon (which nobody noticed) to a big bold "Ask me" text; which increased usage of that button a ton. This was really critical as it was a key feature for people to see value in using Cleve (and it made a big impact on future user interviews)
There's still plenty to work on when it comes to UX, but it's always going to be a balance between improving these things, or focusing on the major features we'd like to implement.
Because time is constrained, the focus of UX is to just get something usable, and prioritise features that give a lot of value to users.
Launching Closed Beta
After running about 30-40 user interviews, and tweaking each time we gained information in the interview, towards the end the interviews were getting a lot smoother and people could use it intuitively. That's when we knew that we could launch the Closed Beta to the 330 people in our waitlist (a week and a half ago).
Upcoming Features
Now we're just in the process of surveying and interviewing new users on the app, while we iterate and build the next upcoming features.
If you're a user too, here's a few things we're working on next ;) :
Deeper & more relevant content personalisation
AI post editing
Text formatting for social media
The goal right now is to build the best knowledge management & social media tool for creators - making it much easier to manage posting content on multi-platforms. If you have any suggestions / feedback / ideas, keep them coming in the 🔥┃roast-us channel :)
PS. We're expanding
We're looking for a software dev (full-stack) intern to speed up feature rollouts; if anyone knows anyone do send them our way!
We've got a new careers page which you can check out too: https://cleveai.notion.site/Careers-at-Cleve-426a9a8c33da4feaa616ec79cc6f0548